How to clean a Bialetti or moka pot

Wondering how to clean a Bialetti or moka pot?

Today I’m sharing a great video with you – I watched a few of these on YouTube, and this one from Matteo D’Ottavio is perfetto !

I’ll be honest with you – I’ve never cleaned my Bialetti after every use like Matteo does, but it’s never too late to learn new tricks :-)

I’ve been using Bialetti stove-top coffee pots since 1987, and my current one is bright pink (a birthday gift in Feb 2019). It’s been a perfect companion for the past four years!

Today I received a new gasket (seal) in the post, so gave it a good clean before making my daily latte. I’ll be sharing photos of that little adventure very soon :-)

Have a faulous day wherever you are on the planet!



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