Le Bistro Cafe in Manly Qld

Le Bistro Cafe in Manly

Le Bistro Cafe in Manly Qld opened two days ago on Saturday 29th July 2017.

I was keen to check it out because (a) it has a French name! and (b) it’s a cafe :-)

Within walking distance of the Esplanade and the beach, the cafe looks cute – 5 little cafe-style tables and chairs on the footpath, and a hole-in-the-wall window where people can place their orders.

Be warned though :-) don’t step inside to place your order or you’ll be sent back outside — even if the beautiful ornate sofa and coffee table look inviting, you need to go outside first to place your order.

The Barista and other lady staff member were lovely and happy to chat.

I heard the Barista answering a question from another customer that this is a real estate agency who want to give back to the community by offering a cafe and pastries.

I ordered a plain croissant ($3.50) and a double-shot latte in a normal-sized latte glass (yes!). The coffee cost $4.50.

When the latte arrived it looked great, even though pale in colour.  Unfortunately the taste was too weak for my liking, and I would need a triple or quadruple shot, but I have no doubt it will be perfect for many other customers.

The croissant was sprinkled with stardust (no, not really, but it did look delicious!), sitting majestically on a little wooden serving plate, and I broke off an end — I couldn’t wait to taste it.

If you live in the Wynnum / Manly area, and you like cafes, it’s worth visiting this new little spot on the map, just 3 doors up from Cambridge Lane Cafe and across from the Manly Hotel.

Map to Le Bistro Cafe in Manly, Queensland


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